
Access times

  • Total visits53,742,372


    Green Leaf Vietnam Trading Service Co., Ltd.

    Is the leading passenger transport service company in Vietnam! In 2019, Green Leaf VN has more than 500 passenger cars from 4 seats to 50 seats, new life, reaching 150 thousand arrivals. The rate of successful and punctual pickup is 99.97%.

    * Japanese customer care staff always create peace of mind and trust for customers ...


    • Wednesday, 08:23 Day 18/08/2021

    • Wednesday, 07:44 Day 18/08/2021

    • Wednesday, 07:28 Day 18/08/2021

    • Wednesday, 07:20 Day 18/08/2021

    • Wednesday, 07:19 Day 18/08/2021

    • Sunday, 17:59 Day 15/08/2021

    • Sunday, 17:36 Day 15/08/2021

    • Sunday, 17:29 Day 15/08/2021

    • Sunday, 17:27 Day 15/08/2021


    Access times

    • Total visits53,742,372


      Green Leaf Vietnam Trading Service Co., Ltd.

      Is the leading passenger transport service company in Vietnam! In 2019, Green Leaf VN has more than 500 passenger cars from 4 seats to 50 seats, new life, reaching 150 thousand arrivals. The rate of successful and punctual pickup is 99.97%.

      * Japanese customer care staff always create peace of mind and trust for customers ...